Today was my birthday, so my
husband took me to the sea. We went for a hike along the cliffs in the ocean
wind, watching the seals swim in the surf below. The seals were sticking their
noses out of the water, looking as if they were having the time of their lives!
Every time a wave began to crest, you could see their pale bodies gleaming in
the frothing water, and their little grey tails flipped up just for a moment, and then sank again. They would stare at us for long moments
with their dark, unblinking eyes, and then dive back into the surf. Oh, how I
love the ocean!
I am so enamored with it that I try to recreate it in my home. This is a glass sculpture of a tide pool by Blaker and De Somma, glass sculptors extraordinaire!
They have a studio in Santa Cruz, California, close
to the ocean. Here is another sculpture of theirs:
When I first started my real estate
business, I kept a photograph of this wave sculpture in my car. Every time I
went out to knock on doors, cold call, or meet new clients, I looked at the
photograph to remind me of my purpose. I bought the twin waves at the end of
the year, my reward for meeting my business goals. So you can see, I’m serious
about this ocean thing. So serious, in fact, that I’m
determined to wear it somehow!
This is Handmaiden Yarn’s seasilk. It’s a blend of silk and seacell, which is actually made of seaweed fiber. The yarn smells tangy and salty, just like the sea, and it shimmers just like a wave illuminated in the sun. Here is the yarn next to my wave glass sculptures—it looks spun straight out of the ocean foam!
My father generously bought me this yarn for my birthday. I am so
excited! Now I just have to find some way to wear it without looking like
something that was dredged out of the tide. I’m thinking a simple, fitted V-neck
sweater, no frills, no fuss, to show off the luminous
colors of the yarn.
There it is—the sea in a