I’m feeling a bit demoralized with my knitting for the moment. I seem to be spending most of my time unraveling projects instead of completing something new. Perhaps this is because I’m creating my own design.
Once I decided this top was one of the most flattering
ones I had, I decided to use it as a model to design a sweater for myself. I
suppose all the unraveling is a necessary part of the deconstruction process.
Here is the front of the sweater, with the colors faded by the exposure. What works best for me about this top so far is the color, which you can see better here:
The blend of black and crimson is right out of the Panetone red
and black sketches I found earlier:
When I finished the front and back of this sweater, I discovered that I can’t seam the mosaic bands together in a fluid way that will hide the join.
In other words, it’s full tilt heading towards a craft
project. So now I’m starting again from scratch. I’m going to make the mosaic underbust in one strip for the front and back to create a
seamless look. Keep your fingers crossed for me!
In the meantime, I'm keeping myself busy with my other deconstruction project, repurposing the yarn from my waffle sweater to make slinky ribs: