Alexi, by Kim Hargreaves
As the Sexy Knitting Club’s quarterly knit-a-long comes to an end, I am sneaking in one more Kim Hargreaves sweater! This was a close one. I had forgotten how long it can take to knit a long-sleeve cardigan, and Alexi was knit on size 3 needles, so it did drag on a bit. I am very excited about how it turned out, though. I used Debby Bliss’ baby cashmerino yarn as a less pricey substitute for the required pure cashmere, and I was not disappointed. I find this yarn wears nicely, with minimal pilling, and it creates a nice soft sheen, somewhat like a pure cashmere.
Since I’ve been mostly housebound due to a recent foot injury, I’ve had more time on my hands than usual, so I dusted off my sewing machine. Inspired by some beautiful textiles in the Dolce and Gabana fashon show for fall, I decided to create some pretty silk tops to go with my recent knits.
Aren’t those silk print dresses and skirts lovely? Unfortunately, as a mere mortal, Dolce and Gabana is out of my budget, but I do have access to some local fabric stores that carry silk prints. I brought my baby cashmerino yarn with me while shopping, and picked up a few yards of matching silk for my birthday.
I have a passion for antique-style roses, of which there are now 35 bushes in my garden, so these tiny pink rosebuds captivated me totally. I was lucky enough to receive a visit from my husband’s parents last week, who aside being delightful people, are highly accomplished . My mother-in-law is in fact a master knitter, weaver and seamstress, and she indulged me enormously by sewing a lovely blouse out of the black silk dotted with pink rosebuds. What an amazing birthday gift!
Thank you again! I really love this blouse, and it goes so perfectly with Alexi! She also helped me create a muslin of a sleeveless shell that fits my figure, so I could sew some tops myself, and so this week I put together a cream and poppy-colored silk top to go with Alexi as well.
The wonderful thing about knitting cardigans, I am discovering, is they are the perfect building block for a dressy yet not overly formal work look. All I need to do is pair them with a matching blouse and some neutral slacks, and I can create a polished look that totally expresses who I am on the inside. I would love to literally live in my antique rose garden, but since I can’t, I can carry it with me in the form of some delicate flowered prints. Over that I can wear a cardigan I have made by hand, giving me an appropriate work look that is still true to my need for craftsmanship and knitting bliss. If I can get to the point where I can pair my knits and tops, both made for each other, it could be a synchronicity made in heaven!